Results for 'Milton H. Erickson'

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  1.  30
    The hypnotic induction of hallucinatory color vision followed by pseudo-negative after-images.Milton H. Erickson & Elizabeth Moore Erickson - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 22 (6):581.
  2. La mia voce ti accompagnerà.H. Erickson Milton - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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    Evaluation of the Informed Consent Process in a Randomized Controlled Trial in China: The Sino-U.S. NTD Project.H. Wang, J. D. Erickson, Z. Li & R. J. Berry - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (1):61-75.
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    Proofs and Begging the Question.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1980 - Informal Logic 3 (1).
  5.  29
    The influence of irrelevant information upon complex visual discrimination.Milton H. Hodge - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (1):1.
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    Docente: nuestra tarea no es enseñar.Milton H. Bentancor - 2023 - Enfoques 35 (1):29-50.
    En este artículo, deseamos reflexionar sobre un punto neurálgico en nuestra realidad educativa:si no cambiamos nuestra mentalidad docente, si no modificamos nuestro accionar comoprofesores, la brecha entre la realidad social y la burbuja de cristal en la que hemos convertidoa los centros de estudio, escuelas, colegios y universidades será cada vez más grande. Con unasituación como la que planteamos, no es difícil entender algunas de las razones por las que losestudiantes no alcanzan los resultados académicos que nosotros como enseñantes deseamos (...)
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    Essay in Politics.Milton H. Williams - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (3):422-423.
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    Confusion matrix analysis of single and multidimensional auditory displays.Milton H. Hodge & Irwin Pollack - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (2):129.
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  9.  15
    Some studies of word abbreviation behavior.Milton H. Hodge & Florrie M. Pennington - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (2):350.
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    III. On the concept of attitude.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1976 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 19 (1-4):481-486.
    Evaluation is, as J. R. Maze has recently suggested, central to the concept of attitude. But it is argued that Maze's noncognitivist analysis of evaluation yields an inadequate account of our ordinary concept of attitude. A criteriological account of evaluation is sketched which allows for an objective dimension to evaluation and hence to attitudes. In the case of attitudes, it is argued that some criteria will be chosen at least in part for their consequences, and hence will not be chosen (...)
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    An Introduction to Political Philosophy.Milton H. Williams - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (1):139-140.
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    Thinking and Experience.Milton H. Williams - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (2):278-279.
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    Convergence and divergence in the evolution of transport proteins.Milton H. Saier - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (1):23-29.
    Different families of transport proteins catalyze transmembrane solute translocation, employing different mechanisms and energy sources. Several of these functionally dissimilar proteins nevertheless exhibit similar strutural units, consisting of six tightly packed α‐helices which may comprise all or part of a transmembrane channel. It is now recognized that some of these families arose independently of each other by convergence, while others arose from common precursors by divergence. The former families apparently arose at different times in evolutionary history, in different groups of (...)
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  14.  62
    Aesthetics and psychology.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1982 - Noûs 16 (3):421-429.
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    A Critique of Ehrenfeld’s Views on Humanism and the Environment.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1981 - Environmental Ethics 3 (3):231-235.
    David Ehrenfeld argues that humanism emphasizes reason at the expense of emotion, and that its narrow focus on the use of reason to serve human interests leads to a dichotomy between man and nature in which ecological factors are subordinated to the satisfaction of human wants. In response, I argue that: (1) humanists stress employment of reflective reason and reason’s interrelations with other aspectsofthe human personality, (2) humanism’s typical commitment to naturalism locates man as part of nature and does not (...)
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  16.  53
    Art: Theory and definition.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):227-238.
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  17.  17
    Dance Theory and Dance Education.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1979 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 13 (3):17.
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    Letter to the editor.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1980 - Philosophy East and West 30 (1):91-92.
  19. On the concept of imagination.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1977 - Darshana International 17 (October):34-39.
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  20.  17
    Poética: descripción y evaluación.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1978 - Critica 10 (30):23-39.
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    Reading Dancing.Milton H. Snoeyenbos & Susan Leigh Foster - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (3):118.
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    Saxena on the aesthetic attitude.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1979 - Philosophy East and West 29 (1):99-101.
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  23. Theory and Genre Concepts.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1976 - Philosophical Forum 8 (1):87.
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  24.  64
    Vagueness and ‘art’.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1978 - British Journal of Aesthetics 18 (1):12-18.
  25.  31
    Weitz on literary evaluation.Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1979 - Journal of Value Inquiry 13 (3):231-235.
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    Second-order dependency in probability learning.Michael H. Strub & James R. Erickson - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (2p1):261.
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    Philosophy and Human Movement.Carole A. Knapp, Milton H. Snoeyenbos & David Best - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 15 (4):121.
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  28.  49
    Aesthetics. [REVIEW]Milton H. Snoeyenbos - 1977 - Teaching Philosophy 2 (3-4):383-385.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Milton H. Snoeyenbos, Jonathan A. Weiss & Jasper Hopkins - 1977 - Journal of Value Inquiry 11 (1):65-78.
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    Morris Weitz: The Opening Mind. [REVIEW]Milton H. Snoeyenbos & Mitcea V. Manoliu - 1979 - Philosophical Inquiry 1 (2):160-163.
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    Protecting Subjects' Identity in Test-Retest Experiments.Kelly J. Black & Milton H. Hodge - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (2):10.
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    Familiarity effects in a same-different task with simultaneous and successive presentation.Carol I. Young & Milton H. Hodge - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (6):461-464.
  33.  52
    Intelligence in the Modern World: John Dewey's Philosophy; A Bibliography of John Dewey, 1882-1939.James Street Fulton, Joseph Ratner & Milton H. Thomas - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (1):82.
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    The category effect in visual selective attention.Patti L. Kelly, David W. Harrison & Milton H. Hodge - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):71-74.
  35.  25
    Basically Branching: A Handbook for ProgrammersA Guide to Evaluating Self Instructional Programs.Joan Taylor, Derek Rowntree, Paul I. Jacobs, Milton H. Maier & Lawrence M. Stolurow - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (1):90.
  36. La mia voce ti accompagnerà. Ed.M. H. Erickson - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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  37. The Ethics of Gender in Milton's Paradise Lost.Sandra S. F. Erickson - 1998 - Princípios 5 (6):155-170.
    Resumo: Existe uma acirrada discussao entre os estudiosos do classico ingles Paradise Lost (John Milton, 1674) sobre o suposto misogenismo do autor. A maioria dos estudiosos, inclusive mulheres sustentam que n áo . A analise da Eva Miltoniana apresentada abaixo deixa claro que n áo so Milton de é fato misogenista, mas seu misogenismo vai alem da opini áo comum de uma epoca que via a mulher como encarnaç áo do mal. Milton, atraves de sua Eva, justifica (...)
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  38.  53
    Aerobic fitness is associated with greater white matter integrity in children.Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Kirk I. Erickson, Joseph L. Holtrop, Michelle W. Voss, Matthew B. Pontifex, Lauren B. Raine, Charles H. Hillman & Arthur F. Kramer - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    A tale of 2 amateurs who crossed cultural frontiers with Boole symbolical algebra-with a mathematical commentary by Kauffman, Louis, H.-special-issue.Milton Singer & Louis H. Kauffman - 1995 - Semiotica 105 (1-2):3-185.
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    Effects of a protein- and tryptophan-deficient diet upon complex maze performance.Angela H. Becker, Stephen F. Davis, Cathy A. Grover & Cynthia A. Erickson - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (2):126-128.
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    The effects of a tryptophan- and protein-deficient diet upon growth in rats.Angela H. Becker, Stephen F. Davis, Cathy A. Grover & Cynthia A. Erickson - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (4):345-347.
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    Physical Fitness, White Matter Volume and Academic Performance in Children: Findings From the ActiveBrains and FITKids2 Projects.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Maria Rodriguez-Ayllon, Juan Verdejo-Roman, Cristina Cadenas-Sanchez, Jose Mora-Gonzalez, Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Lauren B. Raine, Chelsea M. Stillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson, Andrés Catena, Francisco B. Ortega & Charles H. Hillman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  43. Philosophy today.Jerry H. Gill & Roderick Milton Chisholm (eds.) - 1968 - New York: Macmillan.
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  44.  13
    Essays in Political Theory.George H. Sabine, Milton R. Konvitz & Arthur E. Murphy - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (4):385-386.
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    Commentary: At least eighty percent of brain grey matter is modifiable by physical activity: a review study.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Andrés Catena, Charles H. Hillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson & Francisco B. Ortega - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Book Reviews Section 4.Frederic B. Mayo Jr, John Bruce Francis, John S. Burd, Wilson A. Judd, Eunice S. Matthew, William F. Pinar, Paul Erickson, Charles John Stark, Walter H. Clark Jr, Irvin David Glick, Howard D. Bruner, John Eddy, David L. Pagni, Gloria J. Abbington, Michael L. Greenbaum, Phillip C. Frey, Robert G. Owens, Royce W. van Norman, M. Bruce Haslam, Eugene Hittleman, Sally Geis, Robert H. Graham, Ogden L. Glasow, A. L. Fanta & Joseph Fashing - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):198-200.
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  47. Essays in Political Theory, Presented to George H. Sabine.Milton R. Konvitz & Arthur E. Murphy - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (93):177-178.
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    Guide to the Archival Materials of the German-Speaking Emigration to the United States after 1933John M. Spalek Adrienne Ash Sandra H. Hawrylchak.Sybil Milton - 1980 - Isis 71 (1):186-186.
  49. Ketamine effects on memory reconsolidation favor a learning model of delusions.P. R. Corlett, V. Cambridge, J. M. Gardner, J. S. Piggot, D. C. Turner, J. C. Everitt, F. S. Arana, H. L. Morgan, A. L. Milton, J. L. Lee, M. R. Aitken, A. Dickinson, B. J. Everitt, A. R. Absalom, R. Adapa, N. Subramanian, J. R. Taylor, J. H. Krystal & P. C. Fletcher - 2013 - PLoS ONE 8 (6):e65088.
  50.  6
    Justice.Milton Fisk (ed.) - 1993 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
    This volume aims to capture the basic thrust of progressive views about justice in the recent period. Fisk's selections show that in the ground-breaking work now being done, there is a unity of ethical and political considerations. Theoretical concerns and studies of practical justice are also addressed. The editor incorporates high theory as expounded by figures like Rawls and Habermas, as well as applications to issues of race, gender, law, ecology and class. Since the 19th century intellectual background is important (...)
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